Once you read this, you will wonder which type of dreaded ailments and diseases, can an APPLE not cure or improve! An Apple has been tried as an organic cure on many ailments but not on Diabetes. I suspect it is because of the implications to the patients already with high blood Sugar levels; some may believe that an Apple might increase sugar levels and could compound already acute problem. On the contrary, my experimental data shows that I could control Diabetes in myself and other Diabetics with great efficacy. I am not equipped to conduct large scale clinical trials. I request you to pursue this simple approach to curing Diabetes. So why not use this cure on Diabetes. All data given bellow is from authentic records and published in reputed Media/papers/Journals.
Uses Of APPLE On Various Diseases Are :-
Acidity by changing it to alkaline carbonate.
Constipation and Diarrhea
Heart ailments / Diseases.
Reduces Sodium chloride for Kidney.
Kidney stones.
Antiseptic for teeth
Tones up weak and rundown condition
Reduces sour fermentation.
Removes sleeplessness.
Kills typhoid germs&Bacteria.
Useful in Dropsy
Reduces bad Cholesterol Cholesterol
Weight control
Prostate Cancer.
Colon cancer
Removing free radicals
Chronic Diseases.
Anti Aging
Stops skinwrinkles
Promotes Hair growth.
Bladder Cancer
Estrogen retention
Prostate Cancer
Researchers at Rochester, Minn.’s Mayo Clinic report that quercetin, a plantbased nutrient found most abundantl in apples, may provide a new method for preventing or treating prostate cancer.[Source:Cancinogesis,2001,22:409-414]
Colon and Liver cancer
Researchers at Cornell University report that phytonutrients in apples inhibit growth of colon cancer and liver cancer cells in vitro. According to the Cornell University researchers, 100 grams of unpeeled fresh apple about two-thirds of a medium sized apple- provides the total antioxidant activity of1500 milligrams of vitamin C [ Source: Nature,2000,405: 903-
Lung cancer
Researcher at the university of Hawaii found that increase consumption of quercetin was associated with a reduce risk ofLung cancer. [Source: Journal of the national Cancer Institute,2000.92:154-160]
Cancer and Lung cancer
Epidemiologists from Finland’s National Health Institute report that consumption of Flavoniod-rich diet-and particularly flavonoid –rich apple swas associated wit reduce risk of developing cancer. Researchers found thata Lung cancer was 46 percent lower among those whose diet contained thehighest amount of flavonoids, particularly from apples. OOf the majordietary flavonoid sources ,apple showed the greatest inverse association with Lung Cancer incidence. [Source: American Journal ofEpidemiology.1997,146:1223-230]
Researchers fro London’s King College and the university of Southamptonreport that people who ate at least two apples per week had a 22-32 percent lower risk of developing asthma than people who ate fewer apples This conclusion was based on study of 1471 adults. [Source: American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine , November,2001,Volume 164number 10:1823-1828]
Lung Function
Researchers from the University of Nottingham in the United Kingdom report that apple eaters have better Lung function and lower respiratory disease such as asthma than non eaters,[ Source American thoracic Society‘s Annual Meeting May.2001, poster 618]
Researchers fro the university of Groningen in the Netherlands report thateating fruits and vegetables and in particular an apple a day may reducesmokers’ risk of developed chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [COPD]. [Source: American Thoracic Society, unpublished findings presented at thesociety’s Annual Meeting, May 2001, poster 617]
Lung function
British researchers report that apple eaters had better lung function than non-apple eaters, Researchers postulated the healthful effect may be due to antioxidants in apples.[e.g. flavonoids like quercetin] [ Source: Thorax,2000, 55::102-108]
Apple and Heart Health:
LDL Oxidation
Researchers at the university of California- Davis report that daily consumptions of apples and apple juice may help reduce the damage caused by the “bad” type of cholesterol and protect against heart disease, based on the first human study of this kind.[ Journal of Medical Food,2000, 3:159165]
Coronary Mortality
Finish Epidemiologists concluded that high consumption of flavonoids from apples and onions was directly associatedwith lowest risk for coronary mortality.[ Source: British Medical Journal,1996,312:478-481]
APPLES and Stroke
Thrombotic stroke
Finish Researchers report that persons who ate the most apples had the lowest risk of Thrombotic stroke, possibly due to the phytonutrients found in the apples .[Source: European Journal of clinical Nutrition,2000,54:415,417]
4 Other Apple Studies
Chronic Disease Risk
Finish researchers report that components found in apples may keep the Doctor away by reducing the risk of many chronic diseases including ,Heart Disease , Cancer , Stroke ,type II Diabetes and Asthma.[ American Journal of Clinical Nutrition,2002,76:560-8]Scientific Research Demonstrates the Health Benefits of Apple Products.
Hyson et el
Apple juice consumption reduces Plasma low Density Lipoprotein oxidation in healthy men and women.[ Journal of Medical Food. Vol.34:159-166]
Xing et al
Quercetin inhibits the expression and function of the Androgen receptor in LNCaP Prostate Cancer cells. {Carsinogenisis.March 2001.Vol.22:3:409- 414]
Eberhardt et al
Nutrition-Anti oxidant activity of fresh apples [Nature. 2000.405:903-904] Knekt et al Quercetin intakeand the incidence of Cerebrovascular Disease.[ Europea Journal of Clinical Nutrition]
Le Marchand et al
Intak e of flavonoids and Lung Cancer.[Journal of National Cancer Institute.2000.92 :154-160]. 51]Butland et al. Lung Function. And Lung function decline in a Cohort of 2,512 Middle aged men[ Thorax.2000.55:102-108]
Pearson et al
Apple juice inhibits human low density lipoprotein oxidation[ Life cience.1999.6-11913-1920]
Knekt et al
Dietary flavonoids and the risk of lung cancer and malignant Neoplasms.[American Journal of Epidemiology.1997.48:3:223-30]
Knekt et al
Flavonoid intake and coronary mortality in Finland.: A cohort study .[ British Medical Journal 1996.312:478-81.